The Swedish career net community Shortcut picked up an old favorite book, “Fargene forteller” (Colors tell) by Tove Steinbo, when analyzing what to wear (and not) for the job interview. According to Tove Steinbo, what you wear on that interview can make or break you.

Here’s her advice: Red signals strength and bravery – not a good color to wear, as it might frighten your prospective employer. Red can make you look a bit difficult. Orange is best if you’re looking for a more creative job, as it shows you have a sense of humor and that you have a practical kind of creativity. Yellow is for teachers, lawyers, and scientists as it is the color of the intellect. But too an intense kind of yellow may cause a headache, so watch out! Green means empathy and care. Perfect for you if you’re looking for a job in health care. It is also the color of nature, the environment and sustainability. Blue shows you are a serious and reliable individual. Great if you’re in the banking business. Blue is almost always a safe bet. Turquoise is appealing and youthful and great for jobs that have to do with hygiene and health. But don’t overdose on it. Pink is not a good color for a job interview. It is too unfashionable and too feminine. If at all you use it, do so with care. Black has gone from being a symbol of sorrow to utter elegance, it is never wrong but chances are you won’t stick out. So if you wear black, make sure you use accessories in other colors. Never dress all in white – white’s a color that doesn’t say much about you. But a crisp, white shirt is always OK and shows you take your work seriously. Brown and beige? These colors emanate confidence and can be easily combined with other colors. If you want people to think of you as reliable and down-to-earth, then wear brown or beige. Grey, the most depressing color of all, has no character and should never be worn for a job interview.
“Fargene forteller” by Tove Steinbo